Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A fresh start

I am not a great record keeper...I have always had a great memory and have simply relied om that. As I have gotten older, however, my memory just ain't what it used to be! I don't want to forget one thing about Cooper's childhood so I am going to try and be a historian now.

Cooper Alan is 15 and 1/2 months old and is the absolute light of my life. He is so funny and sweet but he does not listen to me or his daddy AT ALL! His favorite thing to do right now is to take all the ornaments off the tree and bring them to us. I put all plastic ornaments on the tree because i just knew he would do this. It looks funny though, because I have still had to move all the ornaments out of his reach so he doesn't pull the tree down on top of him! He is so very busy. The only time he is still is when he is asleep!

Cooper is really helping us get through this first holiday season without my dad. We are all very, very sad but also excited for Cooper since this is the first Christmas that he is really aware of what is going on. Its hard to believe how little bitty he was last year!